The Complete Guide to Ubuntu for Businesses owners

Ubuntu is a free and open-source operating system developed by Canonical Ltd. based on a Linux distribution and a Unix-like Debian operating system. Check how it can be used for businesses in the article below.

How to Choose the Best Among Modern Operating Systems?

Modern operating systems have two features that make them lose both reliability and security. Firstly, these operating systems are huge in size, and secondly, they have very poor error isolation. The Linux kernel has over 2.5 million lines of code, while the Windows XP kernel is at least twice that.

Worse, device drivers typically make up about 70% of the operating system, with error rates three to seven times higher than normal code, so the above estimate of the number of errors in the OS is most likely a gross underestimate. It is clear that it is simply impossible to find and correct all these errors. Moreover, when correcting some errors, new ones are often introduced.

Ubuntu uses a code to transform data so that only a specific recipient can read it using the key. Encryption provides confidentiality to prevent anyone other than the intended recipient from reading the data, integrity to help protect data from tampering, and authentication, which verifies the identity to ensure the security of communication.

A distinctive feature of Ubuntu mentioned in is the sudo utility. It is responsible for the ease of use of the system and helps users perform administrative actions without affecting the dangerous superuser session. It is also important that Ubuntu is convenient for use by a wide audience of different language groups. Released in three editions – Desktop, Server, and Core – it can run both on personal computers and on server or cloud computing platforms. It is one of the most popular OS for cloud computing.

Your Guide on Using Ubuntu for Businesses

Let’s emphasize the special importance of the functions of Ubuntu operating systems to ensure security, reliability, and data protection. It should be taken into account that the computer and the operating system operate in a network environment in which attacks by hackers and their programs are constantly possible and actually occur, aiming to disrupt the operation of the computer, “crack” confidential user data stored on it, steal logins, passwords, use the computer as a “robot” for sending advertisements or viruses, etc.

Ubuntu description provides many convenient solutions for the user’s work with the system, as well as a large number of advantages:

  • stability of work – the system is often used on highly loaded servers. The OS does not require frequent restarts of the computer, even in cases of updates, installation, or removal of programs.
  • a secure system that does not require antiviruses. To pick up a virus, you need to try very hard if you are using an Ubuntu distribution. And this is a very huge plus if you compare the workflow on Windows.

As far as all this goes, no other operating system can come close to the Ubuntu libraries, their manuals, and examples. What’s more, no other system offers the same level of support for the latest platforms and open-source software. This is the reason why Ubuntu is the operating system of choice for many frameworks, the most famous among which we find OpenCV, TensorFlow, Theano, Keras, and PyTorch.